My brother-in-law setup a website for his wedding a few months ago and today it was attacked by a brute-force login attempt. Since this site was no longer in use we decided to delete the site. I wanted to be sure that they were able to look back at what they had made though so I downloaded the website with wget and sent them the archive. Here is my process.


wget \
  --recursive \
  --no-clobber \
  --page-requisites \
  --convert-links \
  --no-parent \


  • --recursive is used to download all pages in the website
  • --no-clobber is used to not download duplicate files
  • --page-requisites downloads all supporting files for the webpage such as images
  • --convert-links will convert any links inside the files to the locally saved files for offline
  • --no-parent won’t allow for pages above your starting page to be downloaded


We are left with a folder for the website. For my use-case I zip the folder to send to my brother-in-law.

zip yoursitehere